Sunday 9 June 2013

Title: 'How Not To Be Rich'

Here are some tried and tested ways to avoid being wealthy. These are guaranteed to keep you in poverty.
1. Avoid earning an income.
2. Remain unemployed.
3.Ignore your innate talents, skills and natural abilities. Never bother to develop them.
4. If you do work, refuse to get paid the correct value for the work you do.
5. Always receive less than what your work or service is worth.
6. Better still, refuse to receive any payment at all for your labor, product or service.
7. If people give you money anyway, just give the money away to someone else.
8. Always give any money you receive or have, away to others.
9. Spend every penny you have, as soon as you get it.
10 Only lend money to people compulsive debtors, or people who will never pay you back.
11. Run up as much credit card debt as you can.
12. Invest your money in risky, shaky businesses ventures that are likely to fail.
13. Develop some heavy negative emotions towards money. Hate managing and handling money.
14. Be very fearful of money, and of rich people.
15. Believe that money is the root of all evil.
16.Believe that money can't buy you happiness.

Do all of the above habitually, and you are sure enough never to be rich.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Title: 'HOW NOT TO GET ALONG WITH OTHERS' - FREE Communication Course

Title: 'COMMUNICATION' 8 /W.Col (From Set) by Rev.Bola
 There are 3 tried and tested key principles to, not getting along with others, that are guaranteed to work without fail, every time you practice them. They are:-

1. Choose not to communicate with the other person involved, or to cut off the communication line.
2. Choose to disagree with the other person as often as possible.
3. Choose to feel and show little or no affection or respect for the other person.

These can be expanded into the following practical steps:-

1.Choose either to mumble under your breadth so you can't be heard by the other party, or person.

2. Choose to shout aggressively at the other party or person, as often as possible.

3. When speaking or writing, use words and language that the other party clearly does not understand.

4. Ask a question, but choose not to ever wait for the answer to come back.

5. Never ever look the other person in the face when talking, but always look away, as disinterestedly as possible.

6. And if you do happen to look at the other person, make sure it is a mocking look of defiance.

7. When speaking make sure your tone of voice is either very condescending, or very whinny.

8. Speak in riddles. Speak gibberish. Speak non-sequitur. Speak nonsense. Speak with authority about things which you know very little or nothing about. But Never ever speak clearly. 

9. Lie often, or tell half truths. Never speak truthfully. Argue insistently back with others who clearly have more experience and knowledge than yourself about a subject.

10. Never speak from heart to heart. Always speak from the left hemisphere of your brain.

11. Simply never listen to or hear the other person, no matter what they say. And even if you do hear them,   make sure to pretend you don't.

12. Never acknowledge what the other party is saying, or when they are right about anything, and definitely never nod in agreement with whatever they say.

13. Choose not to allow the other party to complete a sentence or a thought they are presenting to you, but cut them off mid sentence as often as possible. Make sure they lose track of whatever they are intending to get across to you.

14. Make sure to snigger repeatedly while the other person is talking, or interject often with inappropriate exclamations. 

15. When you ask a question and you get an answer just keep repeating the question as if you didn't hear the answer already.

16. When making a statement to the other person, no matter how often or how thoroughly the other person hears or acknowledges you, just keep robotic-ally repeating the statement to them over and over again until it drives them to despair. Remember that denial is the best friend of miscommunication.

17. Add 'I disagree' or 'I don't agree' to anything and everything the other person says to you, whether true or false, right or wrong, and in-spite of any and all concrete evidence they provide.

18. Choose to only speak, when the other person is speaking. Speak over them as often as possible.

19.Keeping attempting to divert attention from the subject at hand.

20. Remember if they are still hanging in their and willing to communicate with you after all this, see that as a complete failure on your part, and start the whole process over again, doing it ever more intently.

21.By now you should have succeeded in your goal of not getting along with the other person or party. If these steps do not work, then please contact me either for a refund or a retraction, but if they do help you, and you have not already made a donation, you are welcome to send one to me along with a testimonial.

(copyright -19 Feb.12)

Monday 8 November 2010

'How Not To Be A Winner At Anything' - FREE Self Esteem Course

The 10 secrets of failure –

1 – Remain positive all day long ….for no reason. This is emotionally unnatural!
 2 – Discuss your life’s objectives with negative family and friends.
3 – Accept gratuitous advice from unsuccessful people.
4 – Follow-the-herd …because that is what everyone else is doing.
5 – Watch TV “soap” regularly …this is guaranteed to destroy all creativity.
6 – Heavily mortgage into debt and absolutely guarantee high stress for years to come.
7 – Remain in a business/personal situation where you are perpetually unhappy and stressed.
8 – Tell yourself continually that you are naturally unlucky.
9 – Become petty-minded and envious when someone you know has a major windfall.
10- Make lifestyle decisions based on spur-of-the-moment emotional feelings.

It is not what winners do that makes them so successful; it is what they don’t do!
They totally avoid the above 10 secrets of failure, either consciously or subconsciously.
You create your reality according to your beliefs and expectations; therefore you should examine these carefully. If you do not like some aspect of your world, then examine your own expectations.

Your world is formed in faithful replica of your own thoughts… If you think positive suggestions to yourself about a situation you send telepathic ammunition for positive use. You must learn to erase a negative thought or picture by replacing it with its opposite. But do not attempt to think positive thoughts all day long. Let your emotional swings work in the normal manner.
You should tell yourself frequently “I will only react to constructive suggestions.” This gives you positive ammunition against your own negative thoughts and those of others. A negative thought, if not erased, will almost certainly result in a negative condition.

Say to yourself, “That is in the past. Now in this new moment, this new present, I am already beginning to change for the better.” It does not do to repress negative thoughts, such as fears, angers, or resentment. They should be recognized, faced and replaced.
Recognize resentment when it is felt, and then realize that resentment can be dismissed. Initial recognition must be made. Then you must imagine removing the resentment “by its roots” and replacing it with a positive feeling.

If you’re looking to create more wealth in your life, The Super Mind Evolution System can help you create a wealth mindset automatically.


Peace and Light

Sunday 4 April 2010

'How Not To Introduce People To Christ' - FREE Discipleship Course

1. Automatically, accuse all persons, of every other religion or faith, other than Christianity, of practicing devil or Satan worship.
2. Cut them off completely, and refuse to acknowledge them as people or have anything to do with them.
3. Announce to non-Christians immediately, upon your very first discussion with them about faith, that they are going to everlasting hell.
3. Refuse to listen to anything they have to say about their own experiences with religion, and interrupt whatever they have to contribute to the discussion at every available opportunity. Never listen to them.
4. Get into an authoritarian, critical and argumentative stance with non-Christians, and always speak to them in a superior, patronizing tone and manner.
5. When they ask questions for which you have no clear answers, promptly deny this, and change the subject.
6. Completely invalidate their right to an opinion and make them wrong, wrong, wrong.
7. At various points during the conversation ensure that you instill in them, huge doses of overwhelming guilt and fear of God.
8. Finally, walk away with the a huge sense of self-righteous and a big smirk on you face, to find the next person.
9. Repeat steps 1 to 8, as necessary, and watch the church pew seatings miraculously diminish!

By Pastor Bola A.
(copyright 5. April '10 -ARR)

Monday 14 December 2009

'7 Destructive Habits of Incompetent People'

Introductory Notes:
If you would like to experience a wonderful existence, do not occupy yourself with these 7 deathly behaviours that dysfunctional people do.

1 - They Imagine, Speak, & Execute Negative Things.

Yes. They foresee trouble in every opportunity.

They complain that the sun is too hot. They swear at the rain for destroying their  day. They blame the atmosphere  for wrecking their hair.

They believe that everybody is opposing them. They see the problems but never the answers.

Every trivial bit of setback is amplified to the point of catastrophe. They view failures as tragedies. They get disheartened easily, rather than learning from their errors.

They never appear to go forwards, as they are forever afraid to step out of their comfort zones.

 2 - They Act Before They Think.

They proceed, based on instinct or impulsion. If they view something they like, they purchase immediately with no reconsideration.

Then they see something more beneficial. They repent & swear because of not being able to capitalize on the bargain.

Then they spend & spend over again till nothing's left. They do not consider about the future. What they are pursuing is the delight they will incur immediately.

They do not think about the consequenses. Those who partake in unsafe sex, criminality, and such things are added to  this grouping.

3 - They Speak and Babble A Great Deal More  Than They Listen.

They prefer to be the superstar of the show. So they always partake in dialogue that would brand them champions, even to the extent of falsifying

Oftentimes they are not cognisant that what they are saying is not wise any longer.

When others counsel them, they fold their ears because they're too haughty to accept their errors.

In their judgement they're all of the time right. They dismiss suggestions because that would declare them  deficient.

4 - They Throw In The Towel Easily.

Successful people process failures as stepping stones to achievement.

Incapable ones call it a day upon realising the first signals of failure.
Initially, they may be aroused to begin an activity. But and then they lose interest somewhat rapidly, particularly when they run into problems.

Then they depart & hunt for a new one. Same history & same outcomes. Bungling people do not have the perseverance to continue on and accomplish their aspirations.

5 - They Attempt To Drag Other People Down To Their Own Level.

Dysfunctional people begrudge other successful individuals. Rather than putting to work hard to be similar to them, these fumbling ones circulate rumors and try every foul trick to bring them down.

They could've enquired of those successful ones nicely. But no, they are too arrogant. They do not wish to request advise. Furthermore, they're too negative to attain anything.

6 - They Squander Their Time.

They do not recognise what to do next. They might simply be contented on feeding, becoming intoxicated, watching television, or worse, gazing at the blank wall without any ideas whatever to better their existence.

It is utterly fine to bask now and again. But time ought be handled expeditiously in order to succeed. There should be a right balance betwixt employment & pleasure.

 7 - They Take the Easy Way Out.

If there exists dual routes to select from, incapable people will select the broader route with lower advantages than the narrower route with a lot better payoffs at the finish.

They do not desire any discomfort or adversity. They want a sweet time.

What these people don't realise is that what you harvest is what you sow. Efforts & action won't pass unnoticed.

If only they would be amenable to sacrifice a bit, they would be a lot better off.

Successful people pulled through the trials, tribulations & errors. They do not give up. They were prepared to do everything essential, to accomplish what they aimed for in life.

by Rev.Bola A. (14.12.09)


Wednesday 25 November 2009

'63 Ways To Make Your Life As Difficult As Possible'

The best way to have and to lead, a very difficult and painful life, is for you to habitually keep and maintain, the following beliefs, feelings and attitudes:-

1. You believe that life is hard, and must always be hard!
2. You feel that a life filled with love, joy, and peace are unrealistic.
3. Anxiety, sadness, anger, disappointment, are your frequent companions.
4. You feel that one must struggle to survive, experiencing constant pain and uncertainty.
5. Those around you, are also constantly affected by your pain.
6. You avoid healing the issues of your heart.
In the Area of Forgiveness
7. Usually forgiveness, is the foundation for an abundant life of love, joy and peace.  However have never released the negative emotions, that come with unforgiveness, so as to live in peace and joy.
8. In your life, you tend to feel that others have hurt you, and you carry grudges and lingering bitterness towards them. You do not want to, or feel that you cannot forgive others. You also may not feel that you can forgive yourself.
In the area of Harmful Actions
9. You often do things that are ineffective and/or unhealthy to reduce anxiety and painful emotions.
10. You usually try to control other people’s emotions and behavior,ow though your o actions.
11. You often make choices based on selfishness or fear.
12. You choose not to establish, a foundation of healthy actions based on healthy goals and healthy choices, and you choose not to let go, of the harmful actions that keep you, from being who you really are.
In the area of Unhealthy Beliefs
13. You believe that your emotions and feelings are caused, by other people’s actions and feelings.
14. You harbor many negative emotions, and troublesome thoughts.
15. You don’t believe that you, or others around you, can have or deserve to have the best things in life.
16. You have a lot of unhealthy beliefs that are causing you stress, and may be affecting your health.
17. Even when you can choose to heal, by letting go of  unhealthy beliefs, to live a life of love and gratitude,  you choose not to, but to remain as you are.
In the area of Love
18. Your unhealthy beliefs about love cause you a lot of pain and suffering.
19. You constantly need approval from other people, and without it, you feel rejected or unlovable.
20. You are also afraid to love.
21. Even when you are presented with the choice, to heal your negative beliefs, about love and truth and to live in the energetic frequency of love, you choose not to.
In the area of Joy
22. You believe that joy and happiness come from possessions, or outside sources.
23. You work so hard to attain these, that you don’t have time for much fun or joy in your life.
24. You believe that other people’s behaviors and emotions, not your own, keep you from happiness or joy.
25. You often have a feeling of hopelessness.
26. Even when you are shown, that it is possible to find happiness and joy, by healing the negative emotions and memories that keep you stuck in hopelessness and sadness, you bluntly refuse to do so.
In the area of Peace
27. You believe that peace only comes, after achievement.
28. You believe, you don’t deserve peace because of your past behaviors or losses.
29. You worry that nothing can ever change, and that the future will be exactly like the past or worse.
30. Even when you are shown, that peace is attainable by changing and healing the beliefs that block you from peace, and see that your future is not tied to your past, you refuse to do so.
In the area of Patience
31. You tend to be easily frustrated or angry, when things don’t go the way you want them to go.
32. When you want something, you have trouble waiting for it.
33. Your goals are often rooted in selfishness, rather than in truth and love.
34. When you are frustrated or angry, you  turn to “love substitutes” such as eating, smoking, drinking,or some kind of escape activity which becomes an addiction.
35. Even though you can learn to set true love goals and find satisfaction and contentment in your life, you refuse to change.
In the area of Kindness
36. You might have experienced unkindness from those who were supposed to love you and treat you well, when you were growing up.
37. You now find it difficult to express kindness to yourself and/or to others, or to receive the kindness of other people.
38. You feel that people are too soft and therefore get their feelings hurt too easily, or that people will take advantage of you if you show them sensitivity.
39. You feel rejected by others and unworthy of kindness or love from others. So you either try and force them to love you, or you try to control their love.
40. Even though you can learn to receive and give kindness to others, and to accept people as they are, letting go of the pain and hurt of old rejections and unkindnesses, you refuse to do so.
In the area of Goodness
41. You may often feel that you are somehow flawed, not good enough or even bad.
42. You have a lot of fear, that if people really knew you, they wouldn’t like you at all.
43. You have a lot of guilt, for things you’ve done or omitted to do, or for things that have happened to you.
44. You find little or nothing to be grateful about in your life.
45. Even when you can learn to let go of the fear and unhealthy beliefs about yourself, and to feel at a deep level, that you are forgiven and worthy of love, you still refuse to do so.
In the area of Trust
46. You tend to expect the worst from situations and/or from people.
47. You constantly worry about the future.
48. You believe that life is not fair especially to you.
49. You usually need to be in control, both of situations and of people.
50. You distrust most people despite ny evidence to the contrary.
51. Even when you can learn to trust yourself and others, and to release your unhealthy cellular memories, you refuse to do so.
In the area of Humility
52. You have a low opinion of yourself or you feel as though you are better than others.
53. You don’t believe in your true self. You don't believe in love.
54. You have trouble achieving success, or you do manipulative things to get people to think well of you.
55. Even when shown that you can let go of the guilt, shame or wrongful pride that are caused by old negative cellular memories, you refuse to let go.
In the area of Self Control
56. You have a high need for control or you feel as though you are out of control.
57. You feel as though you are not capable of managing your own life, and constantly expect and require others to do things for you
58. You feel as though you are entitled to have things your way.
59. Even when you can let go of old harmful beliefs and toxic cellular memories, and you can live your life empowered by truth and love; you still refuse to do so.
60. You find life difficult and filled with problems.
61. You often feel frustrated and unsuccessful.
62. You struggle with questions of faith and feel a great deal of stress.
63. Unforgiveness/forgiveness are the most critical issues in your life. Unforgiveness, is usually at the root of any problem you experience.

Now to let you in on a secret about unforgiveness: it often hides behind anger, fear, sadness, and other things like that. So if you think you don’t have unforgiveness issues ask yourself, “Who do I feel some anger related to, or sadness, or fear?” You’ll usually find unforgiveness at the bottom of those things. Unforgiveness issues can be toward self.

They can be toward other people. They can be toward God. Or, they can be in reverse of that. They can be feeling like God has not or will not forgive me. Feeling like other people have not forgiven me whether they have or not. Any of those can be the crucial cellular memory that blocks our health or blocks our success. This unforgiveness and the memories that contain this unforgiveness block our healing. They block our success. Why? Because they are destructive memories that are not truth and love. They are lies and selfishness.

It’s interesting too, that the actual word “forgiveness” if you look back to the original language means to “cut the rope” or “untie the rope.” So unforgiveness means we are literally tied to the thing that we refuse to forgive or to the person.

The foundation for an abundant life of love, joy and peace is forgiveness. Releasing our unforgiveness is absolutely essential for healing and for success. So, to have a difficult and painful life, and to have it continue being that way; you would have remain unforgiving, and you to continue maintaining and defending that unforgiveness.

By Rev.Bola A.(25Nov09)
Holy Spirit Services - Int.

Thursday 17 September 2009

'25 Ways To An Unhealthy Body'

One of the best ways to resist your health and become very unhealthy, is by means of food absorption. This is a very good place to start, because you have so many options for creating an unhealthy body. Here then, are some tips regarding your intake of food and drink.

To have an unhealthy body....
1. Never ever watch what you eat. Just eat whatever comes your way.
2. Consume lots and lots of sugary food and beverages.
3. Eat an unbalanced diet. For example only carbohydrates, or only protein, or only starch. A staple diet is a no-no.
4. Drink lots and lots of alcohol on a regular basis, at least 3 times a day.
5. Drink less water than your body needs. Better still never drink water, just stick to canned pop soda, with added artificial flavoring and additives.
Another option is to only drink lots of coffee and tea, so as to intake as much caffeine as possible.
6. Avoid eating any fruit or vegetables whatsoever.
7. Either eat a lot more than your body needs, or starve your body.
8. Maintain a diet of just biscuits, crisps and chocolate.
9. Deprive your body of sleep. Sleep at irregular times only.
10. Avoid exercising your body. Prohibit yourself from all forms of exercising.
11. Eat only foods that are long past their 'sell by' date.
12. Cut out as many vitamins and minerals from your diet as possible.
13. Avoid brushing your teeth every day.
14. Hold on to negative feelings and emotions. Never see a counselor or therapist if you are under emotional strain.
15. Take on as much stress as possible. Engage with people and activities that give you stress and problems. Never set any boundaries.
16. Cultivate as many addictions as possible; drug addiction, alcoholism, workaholism, codependency, relationship addiction.
17. Never seek or accept help or treatment for an addiction. Allow the addiction to control your life.
18. Think negative thoughts frequently, especially towards yourself.
19. Avoid any positive people, spend most of your time with negative people.
20. If you get sick or experience any symptoms, you must avoid seeing a doctor, or any health practitioner. Just ignore the symptoms and hope they will go away of their own accord.
21. Only bathe or wash very infrequently, no more than once a month. Better still never bathe or wash at all.
22. Never wash your hands after you have been to the lavatory.
23. Have lots of unprotected sex, with lots of different partners. Avoid using condoms.
24. Accumulate lots of resentment, anger, fear and bitterness towards others, and towards life in general. After you've been through a rough patch, dwell on it constantly.
25. Live only in your past regrets, or in your future anxieties. Avoid living in the 'now' or being present. Live a generally disorderly, unhappy spiritually bankrupt life, and most of all refuse to change.

Persisting with these steps, is a surefire way of getting sick and creating an unhealthy life for yourself.

by Rev.Bola (copyright 18.9.09 - ARR)

Abundant Life Ministries