Sunday, 23 August 2009

'How Not To Be Happy, in 10 Easy Steps'

by Rev.Bola A

With my hand on my heart and my tongue in my cheek, I confess myself, to be an experienced Master of Enlightenment (...or would that be 'Mistress' of the same, on account of my being a female? I leave that question to the vivid imagination of the enquirer.)

So far my current life's purpose has been, to pass on, the energetic frequency of enlightenment to others, and to help channel further healing, love and clarity, into this robust and wonderful planet earth. My life's objective, is to assist all willing sentient beings, who actively and willingly desire it (and only those who actually do ask for my assistance on this matter,) to attain enlightened.

I have received an anointing by the Holy Spirit, to pass on to other sentient beings, that wish for a born again spirit. I encourage others, to come experience the undying, uncompromising, unconditional love of our Creator. This I do, by way of my inspired visionary poems, writings, prayer art, music, individual and group spiritual coaching, faith, and distant healing.
Summarized below, are the quickest and easiest steps to, not being happy:-

1. Constantly break all the 10 Commandments
2. Totally Believe that you are, just a piece of animated meat, without a soul or a heart.
3. Fill yourself with constant doses of fear,horror, guilt, rage violence and shame on a daily basis.
4. Eat only unhealthy food and make sure your diet is completely out of balance. and never ever, include minerals or vitamins in any of your diets.
5. Actively sort after and feed yourself with every lethal addiction under the sun, focussing specifically on drug addiction, sex addiction, and money addiction.
6. Accumulate debt that you know you can't afford to pay back, and then ignore all your creditors. Blame them for getting you into your financial problems.
7. Buy everything by credit, and run up all your credit cards to the max.
8. Spend twice as much as you earn, and never ever save for a rainy day.
9. Make a habit of never showing any appreciation or gratitude, for anything good that's done for you, or that comes to you in life, just criticize and undermine anything good or positive.
10. Never ever say the words 'thank you' for an act of service, or a favor done for you by another. Never own up and say 'I am sorry', when you know you are clearly in the wrong. Just judge, invalidate, and argue indiscriminately, in favor of your own rightness, while making others completely wrong. Instead, blame all your mistakes on others, especially the most innocent or vulnerable people, with the least involvement or knowledge, of the issue at hand.

I guarantee that, following these 10 steps persistently, is a sure fire way, to remain very unhappy indeed. As I explained earlier, I have 'mastered' these matters, and I am well experienced in them. Trust me. Act like this and you will definitely get the results.

For more Inspirational Material from Rev.Bola
Go Here: Rev.Bola's Ministries