Sunday, 9 June 2013

Title: 'How Not To Be Rich'

Here are some tried and tested ways to avoid being wealthy. These are guaranteed to keep you in poverty.
1. Avoid earning an income.
2. Remain unemployed.
3.Ignore your innate talents, skills and natural abilities. Never bother to develop them.
4. If you do work, refuse to get paid the correct value for the work you do.
5. Always receive less than what your work or service is worth.
6. Better still, refuse to receive any payment at all for your labor, product or service.
7. If people give you money anyway, just give the money away to someone else.
8. Always give any money you receive or have, away to others.
9. Spend every penny you have, as soon as you get it.
10 Only lend money to people compulsive debtors, or people who will never pay you back.
11. Run up as much credit card debt as you can.
12. Invest your money in risky, shaky businesses ventures that are likely to fail.
13. Develop some heavy negative emotions towards money. Hate managing and handling money.
14. Be very fearful of money, and of rich people.
15. Believe that money is the root of all evil.
16.Believe that money can't buy you happiness.

Do all of the above habitually, and you are sure enough never to be rich.